FAQs: Using Fishing Maps to Their Fullest Potential

Got questions about Fishing Maps? Here you’ll find answers to our most frequently asked questions, personally provided by Sam McClatchie, and learn how to maximize the benefits of our advanced mapping technology.

All of my maps are gone. What should I do?

If you go to your maps and notice that there are no maps, or there are fewer than normal maps, you may just have accessed the store during an update. The maps are refreshed every 3 hours, so for about 5 minutes every 3 hours the maps on your subscription will be affected. Just wait about 5 minutes and try to access the maps again.

I can't see all of my maps. What should I do?

Occasionally something goes wrong with updating the maps to your subscription. You might try to get your NZ maps and find that there are only a few maps available if an upload error has occurred. You can call me, for sure, but if you don’t get a quick response, don’t worry. The map uploads refresh every 3 hours from midnight (0:00h, 03:00h, 06:00h, 12:00h, 15:00h, 18:00h, 21:00h). The refresh takes 30 minutes for all the subscriptions to complete. So if you couldn’t get your maps at 16:00h, just wait until 18:30 h and try again. More than likely the maps will have arrived.

Something else is wrong. How do I get a quick response?

If you notice something wrong, please tell me. I may not have noticed it because I’m tracking a lot of different things. The best way to contact me is to use Email (smcclatchie@fishingmaps.info) or WhatsApp (+64 27 752 0495). Please don’t use Facebook Messenger (I don’t check it).

I don't know how to use whatsApp...

WhatsApp is a great way to reach me and ask questions. You can attach several maps with your markups and I’ll be able to conveniently look at them at full resolution.

You can link your device to your computer with WhatsApp Web just by scanning a code, so you can type messages with a keyboard instead of on your phone. https://blog-hk.omnichat.ai/en/whatsapp-web-tutorial-en/ . Please don´t use Facebook Messenger to send me stuff. It’s horrible and I hate it. Nuff said. https://youtu.be/juhiB84lRFY?si=BBSnHCQHAlZfF632

Why aren't the cloud-free maps from today?

The cloud free SST maps have a delay because they are a melded product from several satellite sensors (so the data come in at different times), and it also takes time to process the data. I’ve checked what time the final data are completed by NASA and it is that is about 11 PM in New Zealand. That is why the time on these maps says 23:00 NZST (NZ Standard Time). This means that the data are actually a day and a half old.

The time difference between UTC and NZST means that during daylight savings the time that data are ready at NASA is midnight in NZ rather than 11 PM. So on the 28 November, for example, the date on the maps will show 27 November 00:00h. At the moment with no daylight savings, the day on the maps on the 28 April reads 26 April 23:00h. If you just look at the date, the map appears to be 2 days old. But the map is still a day and a half old.

Bottom line: The cloud free SST maps are a day and a half old. Read the date AND the time on the maps.

How do I get the most recent SST?

Be sure to take advantage of the series SST plots. The series data are very recent, have 1 km resolution, and are an excellent guide if there are not too many clouds. These maps are updated every 3 hours, starting from midnight.

I can't see the current arrows clearly on the map background. Can you improve it?

I can now plot the current arrows in different colours for different regions, so if you think that the arrows are not clear in your favourite region, let me know and I’ll see what I can do to improve visibility.

Can I access the private Fishing Maps Facebook group after cancelling my current subscription?

I’m going to keep my subscribers who have cancelled as members on this Facebook group. I realise that fishing is seasonal, and that people will come and go. Even if you are not using Fishing Maps to fish at the moment, feel free to check in here, make comments, requests, and interact.

Why is there no frequent (3-hourly) SST in the South Island of New Zealand?

The South Island is just outside the footprint of the geostationary satellite <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lOUkJzhfXM>. This means that I can produce these maps for the North Island, but not for the South Island. However, South Islanders still have the excellent information from the cloud-free SST so all is not lost.

How can I help to make Fishing Maps even better?

Knowing where fish are caught or seen is very helpful for learning how to interpret the maps better. If you share this information with me, I can look at the maps to gain a better understanding of how to predict the best fishing areas. This will increase the usefulness of the maps. So please consider sharing fish sightings or hookups. Send me a marked up map by email or WhatsApp.

When you download your maps on your computer or tablet or phone , where do the maps go to?

Map downloads will go the the default download location on any device or computer. This will differ depending on your phone and operating system. Try a Google search to find out where this is. It’s a good idea to clean this directory out relatively frequently so stuff doesn’t build up.

Can I use a phone for Fishing Maps?

Yes, but it looks much better on a tablet.

Know WHERE the
HOT spots are!
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Testimonials From Our Anglers

Very informative and willing to help. Would recommend to anyone

Brayden Switacche

Enjoying fishing maps and the how to videos, as well as the regular updates from Sam with areas of interest in the Facebook group

Rob de Lacey